Thursday, February 12, 2009

12 Feb 2009: Two year anniversary of Q's transplant

Once again, today marks a bittersweet day, for two years ago today, Q received what we had hoped would be a lifesaving multi-organ transplant. Our hearts go out to the family that selflessly donated their own lost little angel's organs to try to save our son. Moreover, today is especially sad because the little girl (Mirai Yamashita) who received her transplant just before Q (for the same condition) passed away tonight. She and her parents (who befriended us in Miami and ran to my side when Q passed away) have been fighting for three long years. May little Mirai rest in peace, and suffer no more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My 10 week old son has hirshprung's too. I hope you can find peace in the warm memory of your sweet child.