Wednesday, June 11, 2008

11 June 2008: Happy Birthday to Q!

Today marks Q's 2nd birthday, and although he is not physically with us, his spirit is undeniably with us always. Yesterday evening we had a little reunion of some of the members of Team Q to commemorate the one year anniversary of the Q-Ball. We all created memorial stones for Q at "Setting It in Stone" in Encinitas. It was a truly wonderful experience that brightened all of our spirits, and I really felt like it made Q happy, too. This morning on my way to work, I was only in the car for about five minutes but within that short window of time, Q's favorite song from the Curious George movie came on. I knew it was a sign that Q was with me on this very special day, so I shouldn't be a bit sad. Koji and I are still pursuing our family plans and promise to let everyone know when we have good news to report. Sincerely, Sarah (4-ever Q's Mom)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

12 Feb 2008: One year anniversary of Q's multi-organ transplant

I'm not sure if anyone who followed our COTAforQ site is still checking in on us here, and I'm sorry I haven't been better about providing regular updates, but I wanted to be sure to make a long overdue entry today. I'm writing today because it is one of the landmark days in Q's short life. One year ago today he received his multi-organ transplant (of the liver, stomach, pancreas, and small & large intestines). It is therefore both a miraculous and bittersweet day. What he went through and what the doctors accomplished is truly awe-inspiring. At the same time, I know that somewhere there is another grieving family who lost an 11-month old (boy or girl, I'm not sure) and who selflessly gave Q a second chance at life. Ironically, Q left us just shy of his own 11-month birthday. In the month & half or so right after the transplant, Q was doing so incredibly well. All smiles and good spirits, so at least his quality of life was improved for even a short time. He is and always will be my tough little soldier, and his fighting spirit and will to live is truly an inspiration to us all. Sincerely, Sarah (4-ever Q's Mom)